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Discover Shiraz - The Facinating Iraning City

Located in the South of Iran, Shiraz is often considered as the cultural and artistic capital of Iran! Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it was the city of poets and great philosophers of the 13th and 14th century, like Saadi and Hafez, whose beautiful city shelters the tombs.

Third city of the country, after Tehran and Machhad, it is a must-see destination in Iran for travelers who would like to immerse themselves in the incredible cultural heritage and historical heritage of this fabulous country! From ancient Persia to modern Iran through the era of the Zand and Qadjar dynasties, you can discover monuments, buildings and superb gardens that bear witness to the history of the country and the region. To complete these historical and architectural riches, Chiraz is placed at the foot of the Zagros mountains, whose summits form a sublime backdrop. To this decor is also added the gentle and peaceful atmosphere of this Iranian city, an atmosphere that appeals to both Iranians, who appreciate the city very much, and travelers passing through!

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So what to do in Shiraz during your trip? What should you discover or see absolutely when you get there? To help you explore the beautiful city, we have listed for you the 12 essential things and more to visit in Shiraz!

1. The Shah Cheragh Mausoleum

Shah Cheragh Mosque and Mausoleum, Shiraz

Crédit photo : Flickr – method.cosmo

So what to do in Shiraz? To begin your discovery of the city, we can only recommend that you go to the Shah Cheragh mosque and mausoleum , a Persian name which means "king of light". This site houses the graves of brothers Amir Ahmad and Mir Muhammad, son of the seventh Shiite imam Musa al-Kazim. It is the most important pilgrimage site in the city.

You will be struck by the rich decoration of this historic and religious place: mosaics dotted with shards of mirrors covering walls, vaults and ceilings, doors covered with silver panels and a magnificent fountain in the interior courtyard. Elements that make this mosque one of the most beautiful in the city!

2. The Mosquée Nasir-ol-Molk

Not far from the sanctuary of Shah Cheragh is the magnificent Nasir-ol-Molk mosque, the Pink Mosque, probably the most beautiful building in the whole city. Visit Shiraz without lingering in this exceptional and magical mosque would be a shame! Built between 1876 to 1888, under the Qadjar dynasty, it will captivate visitors, who can only be dazzled by the magnificence of its colonnades and its colorful stained glass windows. Through them, the sunlight creates a sublime kaleidoscope on the magnificent Persian carpets that cover the floor of the mosque.

3. The Vakil Bazaar

If you plan to visit Shiraz, the Vakil Bazaar must appear on your itinerary! Located in the historic city center, it is the most important market in the Iranian city.

Highly photogenic, this veritable labyrinth shelters hundreds of stalls and stalls in a picturesque setting. You can buy spices, jewelry, beautiful Persian rugs and other typical handicrafts! The bazaar is also a magnificent example of 18th century Persian Zand architecture, with its beautifully decorated arches and ceilings!

4. The Garden of Eram

Chiraz is known for its magnificent gardens and the Jardin d'Eram is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful! Its name in Persian language even means "garden of Paradise". Located not far from the city's university, it sits around a magnificent palace of the Qajar era. For a moment of calm and rest, this place is perfect!

5. The Tomb of Hafez

What to do in Shiraz during your stay? You must absolutely discover the tomb of the most illustrious Iranian poets during your visit to the city! Located south of the Qur'an Gate, a pavilion houses the marble tomb of Hafez, in the middle of the magnificent Musalla gardens, on the banks of a seasonal river. Little anecdote: the current monuments were built in 1935 and designed by the French architect and archaeologist André Godard! Visiting the Tomb of Ha-fez will be an opportunity to relax and discover the writings of this talented poet.

6. Saadi's Tomb

Saadi was also an illustrious poet of Iranian culture, a man appreciated by the inhabitants of the city and a forerunner of Hafez. His tomb is located not far from the Tomb of Hafe . This place is home to a few tea houses, surrounded by cypresses: a space that travelers will appreciate for its peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

Not far from the Tomb is also the sublime Delgosha Gardens , also to be discovered when you come to visit Shiraz!

7. Qavam House

Built by Mirza Ibrahim Khan, a descendant of the wealthy and powerful Qavam merchant family, Narendjestan-e Ghavam is a historic and traditional Persian residence from the 19th century. It perfectly reflects the elegance and refinement of the Persian high society of the time. Today a museum, it also houses a magnificent small garden, made up of fountains, palm trees and flowers. As you will have understood: beautiful gardens are a specialty of Shiraz!

8. The Citadel of Karim Khan

Located in the historic city center, this fortress was built around 1766 during the reign of the first sovereign of the Zand dynasty. Converted into a museum, you can discover rich palaces and apartments, as well as a superb interior courtyard planted with orange trees!

9. The Pars Museum

Formerly, it was a palace that welcomed prestigious visitors during the Zand dynasty. Today, the building is a museum that houses masterpieces and works of famous Iranian painters, artefacts like hand-written Korans, as well as the superb Nazar Garden - one of the oldest in the city!

10. Le Hammam-e Vakil

Hammam-e Vakil, Chiraz

Photo credit: Flickr - Diego Delso

Still wondering what to do in Shiraz? Before setting off to explore the ancient sites that populate the surroundings of the magnificent Iranian city, do not hesitate to visit the Hamman-e Vakil , a former public bath in Shiraz. Built in the 18th century, it is a magnificent building whose interior is richly decorated!

11. Persépolis

City of Persepolis

Photo credit: Flickr - Andrea Moroni

After having taken the sublime Gate of the Koran, the historic northeast gate of the city, direction Marvdasht to discover the famous ruins of the ancient city of Persepolis ! Located at the foot of the Kuh-e Rahmat mountain, it is a must-see site to discover when you come to visit Shiraz. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city was founded by Darius 1er in 521 BC. AD partially destroyed by Alexander the Great after his conquest of Persia, it is now possible to visit this vast complex of palaces, staircases, altars, terraces, tombs and impressive sculptures.

12. Naqsh-e Rostam et Naqsh-e Rajab

Naqsh-e Rostam

Photo credit: Flickr - Andrea Moroni

Not far from Persepolis, you can also discover these two magnificent archaeological sites of ancient Persia. They house the tombs of the Achaemenid kings Darius 1st, Xerxes 1st, Artaxerxes 1st and Darius II, as well as various sculptures and bas-reliefs. These places are a must to include in your visit to Persepolis.

Further north, you can also visit Pasargades , an even older place, which houses the tomb of Cyrus the Great - founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire!

How to get to Shiraz?

To get to Shiraz, you will first need to enter Iranian territory via Tehran Airport.

Once in Tehran or from another Iranian destination, you can reach Shiraz by plane (about an hour and a half), bus, train or car (less common). There are comfortable buses or night trains with sleepers that connect the various Iranian cities. Even if it takes around 15 hours to travel, the train is still the cheapest option to go from Tehran to Shiraz (on average 5 €). You will be rested to visit Shiraz in the best conditions!

Good to know : for internal flights, you will not be able to book online. All you have to do is make your request to an Iran Air office or upon your arrival at Tehran Mehrabad Airport.

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Where to stay in Shiraz?

If you want to visit Shiraz, know that the accommodation possibilities are numerous. We particularly recommend the downtown district, the surroundings of the Jardins d'Eram or the small district around the Azadi park , not far from the Tomb of Hafez. You will easily find accommodation in Shiraz in these districts, in particular homestay which promises you a full-fledged human experience for a small fee.